
Benefits of Qigong

Scientific research is continuing to validate the countless benefits of Qigong, the following are just a few examples.

  • Rehabilitation from illness
  • Pain management
  • Health Preservation
  • Disease Prevention
  • Improved balance, mobility, and coordination
  • Improved stamina
  • Mental & Emotional

Rehabilitation from Illness

The Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong exercises are highly restorative when recovering from any illness, surgery, hospitalization or more serious ailments such as Cancer or Heart disease. The movements are gentle on the body and can be modified to seated positions making them an ideal rehabilitative modality.

Pain Management

Pain is the result of energy (QI) blockage and decreased blood flow. Qigong exercises target the root cause of the pain or blockage through the integration of deep breathing, specific movements and the activation of precise acupressure points which improves Qi and blood circulation to effectively resolve the stagnation. According to the National Qigong Association research shows that those individuals with minor to severe low back pain (regardless of intensity) found relief through the combination of muscle strengthening and static as well as dynamic balance training that Qigong provides.

Health Preservation and Disease Prevention

Inflammation is the greatest contributing factor to many chronic life-altering diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes, Heart disease, Stroke, and Sepsis. As infants, breathing regulation is naturally balanced, engaging the abdomen. As we age the stresses of daily life can lead to irregular breathing patterns which are ineffective at oxygenation and cleansing the body. Qigong retrains the breath, utilizing abdominal breathing to circulate white blood cells contained in lymph fluid throughout the body to fight infection.

National Qigong Association

Improved Balance, Mobility and Coordination

Qigong has an overall toning and strengthening effect on the muscles, the bones, and their anatomical attachments the tendons and ligaments. This toning effect improves posture stabilizes balance and promotes mobility and coordination. This, in turn, results in improved flexibility, stamina and decreased risk of falls as we age.

Mental & Emotional

Qigong through its integration of subtle movement, mindfulness, and prescribed breathing techniques achieves a state of stillness, which in turn aids the balanced release of neuro-hormones, effortlessly promoting feelings of kindness, hope, gratitude, and compassion. We engage people and the greater world with a renewed sense of contentment and well-being.


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